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Conservative head resigns from Senate

Dan Voiculescu, president of the Conservative Party, announced his resignation from the Senate on Thursday, following the statements made last week, when he threatened to resign in case a series of social measures tabled by his party fail to receive Parliamentarian support.

However, Voiculescu will still run his party and continue to involve in politics.

The Conservative projects referred to social solidarity of the retire people, the prolonging of lease contracts for retired people living in nationalized homes, the annulment of taxes on reinvested profit and the lowering of VAT for basic food products.

Voiculescu also threatened earlier this month that he would resign in case he receives a „political police collaborator” verdict from CNSAS, the body studying the archives of Ceausescu’s political police, Securitate.

In the press conference today, Voiculescu said that his resignation didn’t have anything to do, in fact, with the collaboration verdict CNSAS reached, mentioning that he sees the institution as a political instrument.