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Crina Coco Popescu the first alpinist who made the Seven Volcanoes circuit

Crina Coco Popescu became the first alpinist in the world who successfully ended the Seven Volcanoes circuit after she conquered Mount Sidley (4,285 meters) the biggest volcano in Antarctica, Romanian news agency Mediafax reads. The Seven Volcanoes circuit means that an alpinist has to conquer the highest volcanoes on the seven continents.

Crina conquered Mount Sidley together with Alex Abramov, Mario Trimeri and Scott Woolams. Ager 16, Coco became the first woman alpinist to climb Mount Sidley. Crina said that all alpinists touched the highest point at the same time. On January 4, 2011 Crina conquered the Mount Sidley the highest peak of the Vinson Mountain, in Antarctica which marked the seventh highest volcano in the 7 Summits circuit.