Current account deficit doubles
Romania’s current account deficit reached 3.05 billion euros during the first quarter of the year, compared to 1.35 billions in Q1 2006, data published by the Romanian Central Bank (BNR) indicate.
The main influence on the evolution came from the imports / exports balance, that added up to 3.18 billion euros, 88.4% more than in Q1 2006.
Services had a positive sold of 173 million euros, although the tourism and the transportation businesses had 56 and, respectively, 77 million euro losses.
The current account deficit was covered 43% by direct foreign investments – a total of 1.31 billion euros, out of which two thirds were capital participation and reinvested profits.
The medium and long term debt at the end of March was 29.62 billion euros, 5.6% more than in 2006.
The foreign public debt and the public guaranteed debt at the end of March added to 10.56 billion euros.