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Danube floods: two new villages evacuated

The situation remains critical in the Southern Romanian county of Dolj, most affected by Danube floods over the past several weeks. Two new villages, Carna and Macesu de Jos, have been evacuated as water took over dozens of households in the area and blocked one road despite encouraging signals from state authorities that Danube flow levels were receding.

Danger is still high in the county of Calarasi as well, where gendarmes and local people were struggling on Monday to strengthen a dyke to prevent further flooding in the village of Manastirea. Over 1000 people were evacuated as 270 households were flooded after a first dyke collapsed on Sunday.

Hidrologists have warned of a new wave of high Danube waters starting May 6 but they predict possible floods in the coming day will not be as damaging as before.