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Danube level goes down but flow of Romanian rivers increasing

The Danube flow at the river’s entry on Romanian territory was slightly down on Thursday, but the risks of floods remains high in southern Romania as recent rains led to higher flows for Romanian rivers across the country. The most serious situation remains in the southern county of Dolj, where several thousand people have been evacuated from local villages.

Meteorologists have announced that it will pour across much of Romania in the coming days, especially in the regions of Banat, Muntenia and Dobrogea, South Moldova and Transylvania.

Prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu called for a meeting today with ministers responsible with analyzing the flood risk and the situation on the Danube. The meeting comes as the Administration Ministry announced some 5700 people had been evacuated from flooded areas or villages facing a high risk of flooding.

According to the latest toll, 137 townships are affected by floods, with 693 flooded households, 198 destroyed households and 120 households risking collapse. 3,363 household facilities and 30 social-economic institutions are also affected by waters.

Controlled floods have affected 21,000 hectares of land, while 378,1 kilometers of district roads and 107 kilometers of urban roads have been under water, as do 30,220 hectares of agricultural land, 11,494 hectares of meadow and 6,858 hectares of forest.

The Swiss Red Cross donated 63,000 euro to help displaced people in affected areas from Romania and Bulgaria.