Danube, still dangerous for riverbank townships
The townships along the banks of the Danube are still at risk of being flooded. The Romanian Army is present in the affected areas to assist population with evacuation and to strengthen up dykes to prevent the river overflow. On Thursday, the army tried to breach the Nedeia dyke for the fifth time in order to allow waters from the flooded area of Bistret-Nedeia-Jiu to return to the Danube river.
In the county of Dolj, the waters continue to rise at Macesu de Sus, while the camps of evacuees are now fighting diseases such as flees and scabies. Up to this moment, in the county of Dolj 16 townships were affected by flooding, 8178 persons evacuated, hundred of houses destroyed, thousand of hectares under water, five county roads and a national road interrupted.
The population of the Calarasi county hope that the high waters will go round the township of Oltenita due to the consolidated dykes. On Wednesday two dykes collapsed at Dorobantu and Tatina. Authorities remain on high alert.
In the county of Constanta the waters started to withdraw and many of the house owners returned home. However, 379 persons are still evacuated, 140 houses completely flooded, 15 of them fell down, 241 household under waters, 20.6 km of road affected, nine fountains contaminated, 6,000 ha compromised.
Another river flow is expected by May, 6.