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Danube threatens new floods

Romanian authorities intervened in an area along the Romanian banks of Danube again on Tuesday as river waters started to rise again and threatened to flood several villages in the Southern Romanian county of Dolj. Intervention teams have been trying to breach several dykes close to the settlements of Carna, macesu and Plosca to prevent further flooding in the area.

Elsewhere, the people of Rast, the township most affected by the rising Danube, decided on Monday to move their whole village to a hill area where thousands of people have been evacuated when the river flow augmented to record levels two weeks ago.

Hidrologists have warned the Danube levels would rise again next week but said the records of April would not be matched this time.

156 towns and villages have been flooded by Danube in Romania so far with 2,249 houses still under water yesterday. Some 16,000 people have been evacuated in affected areas overall.