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Defense minister breaking law by keeping post

The Romanian Defense minister Teodor Atanasiu should no longer keep his post while being subjected to a criminal investigation by the prosecutors, according to the president of the Judicial Commission in the Parliament, Eckstein Kovacs Peter’s statement for

The Romanian president Traian Basescu announced on Wednesday that he agreed with the special commission’s recommendation to pursue a criminal investigation against the Liberal Defense minister Teodor Atanasiu accused of abuse of office by a presidential counselor and a Social Democrat deputy.

The presidential counselor Adriana Saftoiu sued Atanasiu following a statement by the Defense minister that had accused Saftoiu of providing the press with discrediting info about him.

The president’s recommendation did not mention the suspension perspective of the minister; however, in a criminal investigation case this is required.

The Liberals’ spokesperson expressed his confidence that the investigation will redeem Atanasiu.