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Devastating fires in Spain and Portugal

Devastating fires continue to burn the woods in Southern Europe, the international press reports on Tuesday. Most affected countries are Portugal and Spain. In Gran Canaria, an island in the Canaries Archipelago, more than 4000 persons have been evacuated.

Both authorities and the population confronted the biggest fire in the history of the island that destroyed more than 50 households and 5000 acres of woods. The fire extended due to high temperatures and a violent wind.

200 persons among which firefighters, military personnel fought the fire with helicopters or planes.

The flames injured a 37 year old man who was supervising the woods.

In Tenerife, another island in the archipelago, the fire burnt 2600 acres and some 2000 individuals were forced to evacuate the area.

In Portugal, 150 firefighters were fighting on Monday with three fires in the center and the south of the country.

The biggest fire is located near Sabugal city where there are two fires.

European leaders expressed their concern regarding the fires in Europe. France’s President, Nicolas Sarkozy talks on Monday with the Greek PM Costas Caramanlis to develop a common plan to counteract the fires.