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E-mails may cause 150-200 MN euros losses to Romanian companies

Companies in Romania may lose up to 200 million each year because of the lack of control on the way employees use their electronic mail, a release from Gecad Technologies informs. Gecad Tech. is the producer of the Axigen e-mail solution.

The main effect of the incorrect use of the e-mail address is the loss of critical information through intentional or unintentional data leaks, usually due to phishing or social engineering interactions.

Contracts may be lost, or at least the confidence of customers and partners, in ways that eventually lead to compromising the company.

On an international level, some 171 billion e-mails were sent every day in 2006, the level being expected to rise to 196 billion in 2007. Out of these, 73 billions are sent from inside the companies.

A recent study conducted by Proofpoint confirms that e-mails are the main way the critical information leak from companies. At least 20% of the messages exiting the companies’ servers present the risk of containing financial, regulatory or juridical information.