Ex-presidential counselor accuses PM influence trafficking
Former presidential counselor Elena Udrea, also known as the „Cotroceni blonde” (Cotroceni is the president’s residential area) made some shocking statements on a possible influence trafficking that would have its roots in the prime minister’s office.
In short, Udrea claims that PM Tariceanu sent a hand note to president Basescu, asking him to intervene in the case of the Liberal oil-millionaire Dinu Patriciu.
In a TV intervention on the „Antena 3” TV station, Udrea claims that the note made president Basescu furious.
„There was a note with the PM heading and his handwriting, saying something like …”.
„There are groups that support each other”, Udrea says, further unveiling relationships between the former president’s son, Dragos Constantinescu, and some controversial businessmen.
The group around former president, Emil Constantinescu, isn’t spared from the criticism, Udrea laming former Intelligence director, Virgil Magureanu, of selling info to Constantinescu’s group.
„All the attacks targeting me begun after I denied Radu Stroe his access to negotiating the chair of Intelligence director”, Udrea claims.