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Explosion at chemical plant injures eight

A powerful explosion took place at around noon on the chemical platform in Ramnicu Valcea, at the Oltchim factory on Tuesday. The explosion caused the injury of eight people, currently hospitalized.

Authorities do not know yet what caused the explosion. A reporter in Ramnicu Valcea says it is possible for the number of injured employees to be in fact higher.

President of the local labor union, Mihai Diculoiu, said for that the explosion caused injuries to at least four people, three of them employees and an outsider.

Diculoiu could not offer any other details about the causes of the deflagration arguing that it will be determined at a later date.

Environment commissioner in Valcea, Monica Vasai said for that the cloud formed after the explosion dissipated already and that there is no information at this time on its toxicity.

Dr. Gabriela Trusca at the Hospital declared that two of the victims are in a severe condition with 2, 3 and 4th degree burns on more than 90% of the body surface.

Most probably, the doctors say, the patients will be transported in Buchrest, at a specialized hospital.