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Extra measures to prevent and fight bird flu

The task force fighting bird flu reunited on Friday under the helm of PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and decided to form ten mixed teams to carry out check outs in three most affected counties Brasov, Prahova and Bacau. Filters have been installed on roads in order to prevent illegal poultry transport.

The control teams are made up of representatives of the Veterinary Authority, Police, county authorities, Environment Guard and Labour Inspection.

The task force decided to speed up investigation to discover the cause of the bird flu outbreak and spreading. 365 persons have been grilled so far and 24 are placed under investigation in the Codlea case, the hot bed from where the bird flu emerged and spread across two weeks ago, according to the Govt spokesperson.

80 percent of the hotbeds across the country originate with the chicken trade from companies Silva SRL, Pati Prod and Ani Prod that lacked all bio-security measures, says physician Gabriel Predoi. The investigation teams have found two underground holes containing dead poultry that died within 24-29 April from bird flu in the nearby of Patiprod company.

The current bird flu wave has its origin on Codlea platform, experts’ report shows. On May 11 the Veterinary Direction of Brasov sent samples to the National Lab in Bucharest.

The task force agreed on a few measures that will trigger fines if not respected:

– poultry needs to be kept within closed yards

– it is banned to transport poultry by transport means

– the sale of the poultry from people’s households is totally forbidden

– the farmer is obliged to announce authorities of any bird flu suspicion

– the farmer must arrange a special space for bird garbage

The Romanianl Veterinary Authority confirmed the existence of bird flu hotbeds in 75 townships, most of them in the county of Brasov (27). In other 35 cases there is the virus suspicion. The authorities could not yet find the cause of this new outbreak.

The human quarantine was lifted which allows the mobility of people provided their passing through disinfection filters.

The Government plans to modify the legislation regarding the prevention of avian flu so that the extermination of birds is carried out immediately after tests confirm the virus. The vets are on guard.