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First baby born in Turin this year is Romanian

His’ name is Simone Tabarcea, he weighs 3.7 kilos and is perfectly healthy. He is the first baby born in the northern Italian city of Turin in 2007 – and he is Romanian.

He was born ten minutes after midnight on January 1, while thousands of Italian citizens and Romanian workers were celebrating the New Year – and some of them, the EU accession of Romania – in the city’s main squares.

“We planned to celebrate in the Castello Square at midnight, but the little one wanted to be born faster”, mother Simona Tabarcea told La Stampa newspaper. Simone’s father, a 24-year old worker come to Torino several years ago, received the news tears in his eyes.

“We’ve been in italy for so many years, and I’m happy that my baby is a symbol. I hope it would be a good charm both for the Romanian community here and for the Turin people”, Simona says.

According to La Stampa, Turin’s last boy born in 2006 is also a Romanian. His name is Giulio and was born prematurely but is in good condition now.