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Fresh media mogul confesses having owned Realitatea TV for 2 years

Sorin Ovidiu Vantu, owner of media trust Realitatea Media , confessed that he had owned the majority shares package of Realitatea TV for two years, after having concealed this piece of information under an off-shore company’s name, based in Cyprus, Blue Link Comunicazioni.

In February this year, after a lot of pressure from the National Council of Audio-Visual, Vantu came out and revealed his ownership of the TV station, saying that during this time he financed and gave advice to the channel’s managers.

On Tuesday, one day after SOV bought the press group Catavencu, he stated for the public radio, that he had owned the Realitatea TV station for two years but he had not interfered in the editorial politics.

In the light of this piece of information, the ownership of Radio Total and daily newspaper Ziua is questioned given the majority shareholders from Cyprus and Virgin Islands.

However, the businessman says that the Catavencu’s purchase was “a logic deed from a business perspective” and that this is not the end of his adventure in the Romanian media. SOV keeps his statement regarding the non-interference in the editorial policy.

Vantu justifies his media adventure as the media market is a profitable one, developing fast. The next action will be the listing of the Catavencu shares on the stock market.