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Group of investors decides to boycott Romanian Stocks

A group of 215 investors protest against the way Romanian authorities deal with the capital market by suspending their trade activity on all Romanian Stocks on Friday May 26. This is a public protest against some modifications provided in the new Fiscal Code, but also against the maximum limit of 1 percent imposed on the stock holding of SIFs (Financial Investment Societies) shares.

The protesters will boycott the transactions on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, Rasdaq and Sibiu Commodities Exchange.

“Hoping that authorities will become more aware of the capital market importance, we decided to launch a protest strike on Friday, May 26. We draw attention to many serious problems and hope that many investors would join the protest.

We’ll see the results on Friday evening when the trade volume will show the dimension of the protest”, Daniel Iancu , one of the investors, stated for Hotnews.

A public petition is available online, at