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Half of Romanian women had an abortion, the other half married as virgins

The latest poll conducted by the Public Opinion Barometer shows that 45% of the respondents admit having called for an abortion in one of their relationships. If limited only to women, the percentage grows to 50%, a fact caused, specialists say, by the possibility of women having an abortion without their partners knowing it.

In families, the love is considered as the main condition for a successful relationship, still 10% of all couples suffer because of the alcohol abuse and its consequent domestic violence.

The report, published on Tuesday, shows that two thirds of Romanians have a long-term relationship and 56% made it official through marriage. 22% of all couples share the living space with the parents or other relatives.

61% of the couples under 25 don’t have their own home, the percentage decreasing to 34% for couples aged between 25 and 34.

The “adult” stage in a person’s life begins, according to the study, around the age of 18, with the first job immediately after high-school, children leaving the parents’ home around 20 and having children of their own at 24.

The rural environment still shows a discrepancy in beginning the “adult life”, which starts earlier than in urban environments.

The main problems in a marriage come from the lack of material conditions (70%) or money (42%), followed by domestic duties (42%), children’s behavior (20%) and alcohol abuse (10%).

In fidelity, 38% of women admit having sexual relationships outside the couple, the percentage growing to 76% for men.

The demographic decline is expected to continue, since 85% of the adults under 45 wish for no more than two children.

Romanians continue to reject homosexuality, 52% of the respondents considering that gay people should not be accepted as “any other person” (34% say it’s ok and 15% refuse to answer).

77% of Romanians would be bothered by flirts initiated by a person of the same sex and two thirds would feel just as bothered by seeing two persons of the same gender kissing in the street, regardless the gender. Only 9% say they were attracted, at least once, by a person of the same gender.