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Head of Bucharest customs office resigns

The head of the Bucharest Customs Office, Silviu Vaduva, announced his resignation on Tuesday, ten days after being appointed in office by Sorin Blejnar, the head of Romania’s fiscal authority ANAF. Vaduva, a former Labor Ministry councilor, has been better known for his love life which has drawn the attention of tabloids. Blejnar told news agency Mediafax that Vaduva resigned because he wouldn’t dent the image of a public institutions because of „media attacks” against him.

Blejnar said Vaduva had been named head of the Bucharest customs office after he presented him several projects aimed at drawing EU funds to support the fight against corruption.

And Blejnar said he was waiting for the National Customs Authority head Viorel Comanita to propose a replacement for Vaduva.

Romanian media, especially the tabloids, have been reporting on Vaduva’s affairs with starlets and even with former Bucharest prefect Mioara Mantale. Media reports also pointed to his lack of experience for such a job.