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High school graduation tests leaked

The Romanian Education minister said on Monday morning that his institution and the police are investigating how the subjects of the first test of high school graduation exams taking place across the country these days were bought to a journalist on Sunday.

Jurnalist Melania Vergu of newspaper Gandul said she had information on Saturday that she might obtain the Romanian language and literature subjects for Monday’s tests for 1000 euro. On Sunday evening, she managed to buy the three tests for 500,000 ROL each – considerable less than expected.

She bought the test in the Victoriei Square in downtown Bucharest, where several 12th grade students were also present, passing around the subjects.

She then contacted an Education ministry official and minister Mihai Hardau about the situation. Other subjects were elaborated during the night of Sunday to Monday.

The incident comes after a similar case several weeks ago when another journalist managed to obtain the normally secret subjects for national high school admission tests in advance by simply requesting them at the Education Ministry.