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Justice minister demands revocation of chief-prosecutor’s deputy

Romanian new Justice minister Tudor Chiuariu has demanded the revocation of Doru Florin Tulus, a deputy of the chief prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Department (DNA), Daniel Morar, DNA sources told

Tulus, who served as head of the DNA Section II department, was in charged with the files of several leading politicians including Conservative Party leader Dan Voiculescu and Hungarian Democrats leader Marko Bela.

The Supreme Council of Magistrates convened before noon on Tuesday to discuss the revocation. Daniel Morar told that “the decision was taken behind by back and I learned of it this morning”.

Chiuariu’s predecessor, Monica Macovei, who was removed from the government in a politically motivated government reshuffle earlier this spring, will hold a press conference on the DNA situation in the afternoon.

Tulus’ cases of graft, abuse in office or tax evasion include at least three deputies, a former deputy prime minister, deputy prime minister Marko Bela, as well as the head of a local District Council. His section also deals with cases related to Voiculescu, two Hungarian Democrats deputies and two top local officials.