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Major Romanian mobile operators scrutinized for possible abuses

The Competition Council in Buchares has decided to launch an investigation on possible abuses of the dominant positions the mobile companies Vodafone Romania, Orange Romania and Romtelecom hold on the national market, following complaints from a wired telephony operator.

Council representatives told that the three operators were informed about the move last week and that the investigations may last between two months and a year from case to case.

In the case of Orange and Vodafone, possible abuses related to a ban applied to the complaining operator in terms of access to services of international and national call termination in their networks.

And in the case of Romtelecom, the possible abuse of dominant position relates to a refusal to provide access in its network for the complaining operator.

Vodafone Romania and Orange Romania refused to comment on the situation.

The executive manager of the NetMaster Communications Alexandru Albu expressed his disappointment regarding the lack of courage of other companies to come upfront and complain about the abuses of big companies “because they are afraid to loose the business connections they have with Orange and Vodafone.” NetMaster Communications has just made a complaint against the abuses by the big phone companies Orange, Vodafone and Romtelecom.

NetMaster Communications filed another complaint to the National Regulatory Authority for Communications two years ago against the abuses of the two big mobile companies, back then known as Orange and Mobifon, and won. The two companies made an appeal and blocked the decision of the ANRC. During this time, NetMaster lost clients and money.