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Milan officials demand governmental help to get rid of Roma people

Local authorities in the Italian city of Milan are asking the Government for help in their coping with an invasion of Roma people, an issue that city officials say they can’t handle by themselves. The appeal, quoted by Italian media, comes after a double murder on the Muggiano street in Milan on Sunday when a Roma man of Bosnia origin killed two of his nephews.

Riccardo De Corato, Milan deputy mayor, was quoted by Italian newspaper Il Giornale as saying that the city was still waiting for a new extraordinary commissioner to be named to deal with the issue. He urged the country’s Interior minister to solve the “intolerable” problem as soon as possible, the paper writes.

Municipal councilor Mariolina Moioli is also quoted as saying that the double murder on Sunday proved it was a “compatibility issue” and that not all people wanted to become part of the society.

Moioli said that the local officials would adopt a decree dating July 11 saying that immigrants who could not find work within the first three weeks since their arrival in Italy be repatriated.