Miners’ leader stays behind bars
The leader of miners involved in the so-called “crusades” – miners’ violent demonstrations and marches to Bucharest in the nineties – will stay behind bars at least until January 1, 2007. A Bucharest court decided on Tuesday against an appeal by miners’ leader Miron Cozma, whose requested parole for good behaviour had been postponed by 12 months.
Cozma’s attorney said he would appeal against the new decision.
The members of the Parole Commission proposed last week that a parole for Miron Cozma, considered to bear the responsibility of intense violence involving miners’ unions in the early nineties, should be discuss on June 1, 2007.
Ex-President Ion Iliescu, who was in power at the time of the 1990 “miners’ crusade”, also faces grilling for his involvement in the events.