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New dyke collapses. Danube nightmare continues

The dyke close to Dorobantu township in the county of Calarasi collapsed on Wednesday afternoon, prompting authorities on high alert. The waters threaten to flood the households. The population is being evacuated. During this morning another dyke in Tatina failed, in the same county.

The news comes as the latest toll of Danube floods published on Wednesday says 379 people are evacuated in the Constanta county alone, where 140 houses are under water, 15 of which have collapsed and where 6,000 hectares of crop land have been affected.

Starting Monday morning, authorities in the county of Calarasi are in full alert as a new dyke collapsed before Danube waters in the region, threatening to flood some 5000 ha of agricultural land.

And in the Southern county of Dolj, in a camp for evacuees in Rast, the first cases of scabies and lice have been identified.

The imminent new wave of high Danube waters have prompted authorities to warn that the nightmare produced by floods along the banks of the river in Southern Romania may last another month. The flow of Danube is expected to increase again at entrance on Romanian territory starting this weekend and reach the Eastern region of Constanta by the end of the next week.