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New poll shows democrats lead in race for European Elections

The Democrat Party would gain some 40% of all votes for the European Elections, the latest CURS (the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology) polls indicate. The Democrat Party (PD) is followed by far by the main Opposition party, Social Democrats (PSD), with 21%.

The study was demanded by the Liberal Democrat Party (PLD), a fraction that left – willingly or through expelling – the Liberal Party (PNL).

The results seem better for the former governing party PSD. According to the poll, Liberals would probably gain 13% of the votes, New Generation Party would reach some 6%, far-right Great Romania and the Hungarians’ Union may add up to 5% each. Liberal Democrats are still under the 5% electoral threshold.

On an individual level, president Traian Basescu still leads as favorite, with 55% of the votes, followed by PLD head Theodor Stolojan (36%) and the nationalist New Generation Party leader, Gigi Becali.