No voting in train stations and airports at May 19 referendum
The Romanian Interior Ministry has decided not to organize voting sections in train stations, bus stations and airport for the May 19 referendum when voters are invited to decide whether suspended President Traian Basescu is removed from office or not.
Interior minister Cristian David said in a press conference on Friday that this system of voting drew very few voters – some 1% – at the 2004 general elections.
According to the 2004 elections results, 1% of the votes of the time meant 120,000 people voting in train stations and airports.
Earlier today, a spokesman for the Interior Ministry had told that such sactions might have been organized had prefects or mayors asked it.
The alternative is setting up supplementary voters’ lists in every voting section across the country. That means a person that is away from home on the day of the vote can go to any section to vote on supplementary lists. These lists will then be cross-checked to prevent multiple votes.