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Opposition-supported motion fails in Parliament

A motion tabled by the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD) against the current government in Parliament failed to pass after fierce debates that starred PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and PSD president Mircea Geoana on Wednesday.

The motion, named “The Tariceanu Government – facts and lies”, was rejected with 235 votes against and 145 in favor.

The debates were marked by an exchange of harsh replies between Tariceanu and Geoana, who attacked each other for the missmanagement of their governments. Geoana was a Foreign minister in the PSD government of 2000-2004.

Tariceanu accused the PSD of tabling the motion in the purpose of “destruction and manipulation” and said he considered Geoana out of touch with current realities. “PSD has not reformed, it does not offer an alternative to the government and chooses the path beaten for years, of rude words, populism and lies”, he said.