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Parliament adopts Chamber of Commerce law

Romanian deputies adopted with a consistent majority on Tuesday the new law regulating chambers of commerce that sets the framework for the transfer of authority over the Trade Register from the Justice Ministry to the Chambers of Commerce. The debates on the draft legislation concluded with 137 votes in favor, 99 against and 11 abstentions.

The debates have been marked by considerable political disputes between the two senior parties of the governing coalition, the Liberals (PNL) and the Democrats (PD). The latter announced last week they would oppose the law.

And now, a representative of the PD party said the law was adopted in an irregular manner as the House speaker Bogdan Olteanu changed the status of the piece of legislation from an organic law to an ordinary law so that the number of favorable votes be enough to pass the document.

The Democrats announced they would challenge the situation at the Constitutional Court.

But a Liberal representative said the law passed as an ordinary legislation because that’s how it was passed by the Senate.

Democrat Daniel Buda told that the Liberals arranged the situation so that the draft legislation pass the House for their own benefit. “The Liberals have financial interests and for that they want the Trade Register be transferred under the authority of the Chambers of the Commerce”, which would loosen state control over the money circulated by the institution.