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PM Emil Boc: the government does not agree to double contributions for revenues made from copyright cotracts / Noone has the right to publicly debate a project without previously discussing it in the executive

PM Boc does not agree with the proposal to double social contributions for revenues from copyright contracts. PM Boc declared he is dissatisfied that the project modifying the Fiscal Code that sees the modification of the overal social contributions was sent to public debate before it was approved by the government. Boc urged Finance minister Gheorghe Ialomitianu to take into account that the executive does not sustain the proposal to double contributions.

Even though it has some good proposals, like a unified calculus for social contributions, the government cannot agree with the proposal to double social contributions for independent activites. The government did not even talk about this and this is why the public debate needs to consider that the government did not agree.

An emergency ordinance, modifying the Fiscal Code was published on the website of the government’s general secretariat which read that it proposed to double social contributions for copyright contracts starting 2011.