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President Basescu: France fully supports Romania’s EU accession on January 1, 2007

French President Jacques Chirac assured his visiting Romanian counterpart Traian Basescu yesterday that the public opinion in France supports the accession of Romania to the EU and that his country only sees one date for the event – January 1, 2007, the Romanian head of state has said in an interview to Realitatea TV.

Basescu concludes his two-day visit to Paris today and returns to a Bucharest hospital to finish his recovery program, several weeks after he underwent a surgical intervention for hernia.

He said that during talks with Chirac he only represented Romania – not Romania and Bulgaria – despite the main topic of the discussion was the accession treaty of both countries. He said that in Romania’s case, the French President is supporting the accession unconditionally.

Once France ratifies the accession treaty, there will be a positive signal to be received in Berlin as well, according to President Basescu, who insisted that Chirac has already talked with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on this issue and said both EU countries will be ready to ratify the treaty this autumn.

„Exista o lista intreaga de legi care trebuie votate de catre executivul de la Bucuresti. Daca s-ar fi regasit doar 10 stegulete galbene ar fi fost un semn de seriozitate. Am convingerea ca executivul a inteles ca batalia nu este numai cu steguletele, riscul este foarte mare, trebuie daca foarte mare atentie si steguletelor galbene pentru ca prezenta lor este semn de mediocritate.

Cer guvernului Romaniei performanta in timpul caldurilor din vara si de ce nu imi permit sa adresez un apel si romanilor: integrarea in Uniunea Europeana nu este numai a politicienilor, trebuie sa fie constienti ca se integreaza 22 de milioane de romani si este un proces uneori costisitor cu lucruri care nu ne plac intotdeanua”, a declarat Basescu.