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President Basescu: Secret Services aren’t NGOs

Romanian president Traian Basescu declared on Wednesday that the „Security Laws”, as transmitted by the Government, „need substantial changes”, indicating that the secret services can’t work as non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

„When you find the first transparent information service, worldwide, I’d be happy to be informed”, said Basescu.

„I hope we find a dialogue in which to explain what is the mission of the secret services in a democratic state”, Basescu added, also mentioning that the Army has the mission to protect the nation during a war, while the secret services are the instruments used during peace, in order to offer the same kind of protection.

A month has passed since the Security Laws were sent to the Presidency for approval after they were adopted by the government with long delays. President Basescu said two months ago that he wanted the Supreme Defense Council-CSAT discuss the bills because it was unacceptable that they were “worse” than the ones to be replaced.

The head of state did not exclude the possibility that the laws would never reach the government for final approval.

The CSAT gathered on Wednesday to discuss the issue. It also established a maximum number of 3200 Romanian militaries in missions abroad next year.

And Basescu said the two main intelligence services, the Romanian Intelligence Service and the Foreign intelligence Service, would have to deliver all their archives of the former Securitate – the dreaded communist secret police – to CNSAS, the main body studying the archives of the Securitate, by the end of next year.