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President Basescu warns about national security issues

Romanian President Traian Basescu warned about the persistence of national security problems in statements for the media before he left for Washington on Wednesday. Recent events in this field were “twice embarrasing”, he said, speaking of the situation sparked by businessman Omar Hayssam, who fled the country despite being charged with terrorism.

On one hand, Basescu said, it is embarrasing that a terror suspect flees Romania, and on the other – that institutions that should explain the situation pass the responsibility from one to another.

Basescu made the statements as a parliamentary commission these days interviews the former heads of the Romanian intelligence services, who resigned last week shortly after it was announced that Hayssam was nowhere to be found.

The President insisted on the necessity that a new series of laws be adopted on national security issues in order to let the state institutions work properly.

“Nobody in the political chain had an initiative to create a set of laws on national security”, despite he called for such a move last year.