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Romania political leaders fail to set date for European elections, favor late November

The leaders of parliamentary parties in Romania failed on Monday to set a date for European Parliament elections as planned earlier in the day.

The governing Liberals with their Hungarian Democratic allies, as well as two minor opposition parties said they preferred November 25 for the poll to take place, but the largest opposition group, the Social Democrats (PSD), stood true to his December 9 option.

After two hours of talks at the governmental palace, they failed to reach a consensus and it was announced that a date would be announced by the next governmental session.

Leaders of parliamentary parties met prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu in the afternoon on Monday to establish a date for the country’s first European Parliament elections after it joined the EU on January 1 this year.

This comes as Romanian politicians decided in spring to postpone the poll, previously set for May this year, until autumn as they prepared at the time for a referendum to impeach the President.

The main opposition party, the Social Democrats (PSD), announced last week it wanted the European elections to take place on December 9, a date agreed by the smaller Greater Romania Party (PRM) and the Conservative Party (PC). The junior member of the governing coalition, the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR) said they’d rather stick with late November. PC and PRM eventually opted for the latter as well.

The main backers of President Traian Basescu, the Democrats (PD), who withdrew from the government in spring, said they would not meet PM Tariceanu today as they expected the talks to be a “simulacrum”.

But they said they’d like elections to take place in October-November.