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Romania run from Vienna

Romania is run by president Traian Basescu from the hospital room in Vienna. According to the Presidency spokeswoman Adriana Saftoiu, the president is connected by technological means to the domestic and foreign affairs of his country. Basescu also had phone conversations with European officials on the upcoming Commission’s report, and signed 19 decrees.

The minister of Foreign Affairs Razvan Ungureanu had talks with the president on Thursday morning, in the view of the European Commission’s report on Romania’s progresses, due on May 16.

Yesterday, president Basescu received a visit from Romanian Interior minister, Vasile Blaga who updated him on issues concerning the flooding in Romania.

The leader of the Democratic Party, Emil Bloc, also paid a visit to the presidential cabinet in Vienna hospital and expressed his party fellows compassion and „get better” wishes.

Prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu was also in Vienna for a charity football game together with top EU officials.

On Friday, the president is expected to make the first steps, following two days of kinetotherapy.