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Romanian PM appeals for political support for reforms

Romanian prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu urged legislators today to vote in favor of draft laws supporting the judicial reform and the fight against corruption so that Romania join the European Union on January 1, 2007.

He told the joint chambers of the Parliament in Bucharest that while the country got rid of the „red flags” on these two issues in the latest European Commission report, it didn’t mean the country should cool down its engines as it would be „a huge mistake”.

He called on the power structures and the opposition to prove responsibility and concentrate on fulfilling the tasks laid by the EU for Romania to join in due time.

„It is a historical moment for Romania when there is no time or place for backstage games. It is necessary that the preparation for accession continue in a climate of domestic political stability, social stability, where the activities of the Government should be supported by the Parliament”, he said.

Tariceanu sees the EC decision not to specify a clear date for Romania’s accession in the presentation of its latest report yesterday as a measure of caution and of interest that Romania should continue its reforms even after the accession date is announced.

He also said he would organize consultations with representatives of all parliamentary parties, the local administration, the civil society, trade and employers unions and others to reach a consensus on the trategic directions for using European funds.