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Romanian workers in semi-enslavement on Spanish construction site

Marian Cojocea, a Romanian working on a construction site in Spain died after he fell in an elevator’s well on Tuesday. His death, informs El Pais cited by Romanian agency Rador, drew the attention of the authorities upon working conditions faced by illegal workers.

Marian Laurentiu and Calin, other Romanians working with Marian did not have any contracts and did not get paid last month. They complain they were working 12 hours a day and they did not even get paid.

Aged 20, the youngsters say they did not have anywhere else to go to work.

Both the police brigade and labor inspectors interrogated the workers and discovered the precarious conditions Romanians were working in.

The workers were rehabilitating a building with another six Polish workers. The first employees were hired by a certain Alexander living in Collado Villalba and the others were brought by Cojocea.

Romanians explain that since they started working on this site, the conditions were very bad. They slept on mattresses in a basement and ate at a near-by restaurant.

According to the police, the owners of the building did not have any construction authorization and there were no security measures taken to protect the life of the workers.

Even though initially they were promised 1.800 euro a month, they did not receive any money. Having no money and no place to go Samur Social offered them a temporary place to stay.

Health Labor Representative of UGT Madrid, Marisa Rufino said that she will collaborate with the Romanians workers to reveal the identity of their employer.

The municipal police set up an investigation to search Alexander, the person hiring the workers.