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Romanians built the magic lighting in latest Harry Potter mobile game

The magical lighting present in the last version of the Harry Potter mobile game, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, was produced by a Romanian team working for Electronic Arts Inc. Reuters reports on Monday.

According to some, the Romanian computer experts are among the most wanted in the world as the big IT companies set their eyes on Romania to obtain an advange for the cheap labor work.

Reuters informs that the reputation is twofolded. On the one hand, a positive view given by people such as the programmers of the dynamic lighting in the latest Harry Potter game. On the other hand, there is also a dark side of the coin as Romania is known for its large community of hackers.

The IT sector, writes the international press agency, is one of the best export sectors in Romania. Almost 90% of IT national companies are owned by foreigners and the government hopes that the sector will reach revenues of more than 1 billion euro in the next couple of years.