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Romanians in Spain cause panic among officials

A Spanish mayor asked for governmental help from Madrid in order to evacuate 2,000 Romanian citizens illegally camped near an aqueduct at the edge of the La Herrera village, in the Albacete province, the Spanish press informs on Friday.

According to daily newspaper „El Mundo”, the story has two aspects. The 2,000 Romanians who invaded the 400 people village may pose a health threat, but are also important for local farmers.

The article says that Romanians occupy some 2 kilometers along the aqueduct and that they use the water to wash their clothes and dishes. The water than runs to the locals’ domestic plumbing, rising a serious health threat.

On the other hand, local farmers say that they don’t want the Romanians to leave too soon, since they helped picking the garlic crops and now wait for the end of August, for the onion crops.

According to sources in the Spanish National Guards, who tried to identify the Romanians, 362 out of the 2,000 are illegal immigrants.