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Romanians mostly indifferent towards former Communist secret police

Over 60% of Romanians do not need what the Communist secret police, the Securitate, was doing before the 1989 Revolution and manifest indiference towards the subject, a poll published on Monday says.

Only 50% of Romanians want a lustration law, revealing who of the current political leaders in Romania was a member of the former Communist leadership, to come into effect immediately, according to the poll published by the Social Research Office (BCS).

Most Romanians (64%), however, believe the Securitate had a negative influence on the society as a whole. But 72% believe the Securitate did not run political police activities and was only following the orders of the Communist Party leadership.

52% believe the top Communist officials should be blamed for the horrors of the Communist regime, while only 31% say the Securitate should bear the blame.

Meanwhile, 63% o Romanians agree that all archives of the Romanian Communist Party be made public, possibly on the Internet, so that anybody have access to them without bureaucratic difficulties. 12% of Romanians do not agree with this and 19% are indifferent about it.

43% believe a lustration law would have possitive effects on the country in general, but 47% say the law would have no impact for their own persona.

And 51% of Romanians believe speculations that President Basescu would be trying to secure the support of secret services in order to establish a „personal dictatorship”, as claimed in numerous media comments.