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Romanians not interested in early elections

The governing D.A. Alliance of Liberals (PNL) and Democrats (PD) is still trusted by most Romanians and would receive the votes of 44% of Romanians if elections took place tomorrow, according to a new poll by the INSOMAR institute.

The study, quoted by the Realitatea TV news channel, shows most Romanians would disagree with early elections despite most of them agree that PNL and PD don?t work well together.

If elections took place tomorrow, the main opposition party, the Social Democrats (PSD), would receive 22% of the vote, while the far-right Greater Romania Party would receive 15%. Populist businessman-politician Gigi Becali and his New Generation party would get 7% and the Hungarian Democrats ? 5%.

The Conservative Party, a member of the current governing coalition, would only get 3% of the vote.

If Liberals and Democrats would run on separate lists, Democrats would have the advantage: of those who would vote for the D.A. Alliance, 66% would choose PD and only 32% would go with PNL.

Only 7% of the Romanian electorate believe early elections are truly necessary and 16% say they would be somehow necessary.