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Romanians optimistic about joining EU on time

Two thirds of Romanians believe Romania will join the European Union on the set date of January 1, 2007 and that the Union will not opt to postpone the accession, according to a survey by pollster CURS, published this weekend. The survey says some 60% of Romanians believe a postponement of the date would have negative effects on the country.

The Romanian population is divided when it comes to a possible change of the government, as 42% believe the current government should be changed while 39% don’t think it would happen.

If it comes to the appointment of a new prime minister, presidential aide Theodor Stolojan, supported by President Traian Basescu, would most likely get the job according to 29% of Romanians, while opposition Social-Democratic leader Mircea Geoana is supported by 6% of the population and incumbent Liberal PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu by 4%.