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Rroma kids burned alive in Italy cause local controversies on immigration

Numerous Italian newspapers read about the tragedy of the four Rroma children of Romanian origin that burned alive in a fire on Friday night in the suburbs of the Italian city Livorno.

Their case raised controversies among Italian authorities.

The Italian PM Romano Prodi considers that the Rroma problems is a political one and admits that Italy is under prepared in dealing the immigrant’s issue writes the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera.

Prodi says solutions need to be found quickly as he reminds about the persecutions suffered by the Rroma along the historical ages, notes La Repubblica.

On the other hand, the Lega Nord party on the extreme right spectrum accused Prodi of misunderstanding the political dimension of the Rroma reads Ansa.

Social Solidarity Minister, Paolo Ferrero accuses local authorities for the inhuman conditions in which the Rroma community were living.

Some affirm that the Livorno tragedy is a vivid example of the government’s failed policy regarding immigrant integration. Others argue that the government is trying to throw the guilt to the local authorities.

Italians, impressed by the tragedy

Local authorities proposed the funeral day of the children to be set as a national mourning day. White flowers cover the place where the kids lived.

Meanwhile, the parents of the four children, two men and women, missing after the fire, were arrested. They are accused of unintentionally setting the fire and abandoning the minors. For the allegations, they risk 8 years in prison.