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Social Democrats to submit motion against the Liberal government

Mircea Geoana, leader of the Social Democrats (PSD, main opposition party in Romania), announced officially on Monday that his group would challenge the current Liberal government by tabling a motion against in the Parliament when MPs convene for the new session.

According to PSD leaders, the text of the motion will challenge the performance of the government since its very beginnings and not only for the period since spring 2007, when the Democratic Party (PD) was forced out of the governing alliance with the Liberals (PNL).

PD leader Emil Boc says that his party will support any motion against the Liberal government.

The Social Democrats should also establish its strategy in either case: if the motion will pass or it will not. By now, no other party expressed an interest to govern with the Social Democrats if they will manage to pass the motion.

The announcement regarding the motion was first made public by Mircea Geoana but Ion Iliescu, the honorary president of the group, expressed his doubts regarding both the results and the necessity of such an action.

Officially, the Liberals did not express any intent to discuss or negotiate with the Social Democrats but their junior government allies, the Hungarian Democrats (UDMR), announced plans to meet the opposition party to negotiate their motion on Saturday.