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Stock exchange volume grows 62% on dropping market

The total value of transactions at the Bucharest Stock Exchange on Wednesday grew up to 60.68 million RON (some 18.5 million euros), 62% more that the total on Tuesday. The main transactions were on BRD (Romanian Development Bank – Societe Generale). Despite the boom, the titles continued to depreciate.

BRD shares lost 2.42%, down to 28.20 RON, but were subject to transactions worth 24.27 million RON through the day (some 40% of the total flow).

The general market indicator, BET-C, decreased 1.62%, while the „best ten companies” indicator, BET, lost 1.77%.

BET-FI, the indicator for the five financial investment societies (SIFs) lost 3.74%, but still covered 38.43% of all transactions.