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Survey: Half of Romanians would vote for governing alliance

Almost half of Romanians (45%) would vote the governing DA alliance made up of the Liberal and Democratic Parties, if elections took place next Sunday, according to a new survey by the IMAS Institute.

The runner up is the Social Democratic Party(PSD) which attracts 24% of the votes, followed by the Greater Romania Party(PRM) with 13% of the votes, New Generation Part (PNG)– 6% and the Democratic Hungarian Union (UDMR)– 5%.

President Traian Basescu still holds the first place in Romanians’ hearts. PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu is the second most popular, followed by PSD leader Mircea Geoana and PRM leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor. However, Geoana lost some 8% whereas Tudor gained some few more points in the top of confidence.

57% of Romanians consider that Romania has taken a wrong route, while 37% believe that Romania is heading towards a better future.

35% of the interviewees see no difference between the current government and the previous, while 32% believe this one is worse and 29% say it is better.

The survey was undertaken within 7-16 April.