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Top Liberal figure vows to come back on Romanian political stage

Theodor Stolojan, former Liberal party leader and currently a close counsellor of president Traian Basescu, disapproved with the direction of the Liberals under the helm of the Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu and said he regretted naming Tariceanu as his successor, when he decided to run for the presidency of the National Liberal Party.

Stolojan announced plans to come back on the political stage and continue the merger process of the Liberals and the Democrats.

Stolojan was the initial presidential candidate of the alliance between the Liberals and Democrats, who decided to step aside due to medical problems and leave Traian Basescu take over the electoral race. For almost two years he kept a low profile in the shadow of president Basescu, as his closest counsellor.

Due to severe exhaustion, Stolojan had to withdraw from the presidential campaign and considered liberals Calin Popescu Tariceanu or Mona Musca to take over the race. Traian Basescu was not an immediate alternative at that time.

Stolojan decided to become the president’s counsellor following the passing on obligations as leader of the Liberal Party to Calin Popescu Tariceanu, who acted quickly and as prime minister appointed by president formed the government right away. At the national assembly of the party in February 2005, Stolojan stepped down and the liberals chose Tariceanu to take the helm of the party.

Tariceanu’s reply explained that Stolojan was not consulted when the government was formed due to his precarious health condition, and reminded his former chief that Stolojans’s replacement was decided by the party’s congress.