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Top politician’s alleged links to Communist secret police checked

CNSAS, the Romanian body studying the files of former Communist secret police „The Securitate”, discussed on Thursday the files related to the leader of the Conservative Party (PC), a junior member of the governing coalition, before he takes over the seat of deputy prime minister left vacant by fellow PC member George Copos.

After lengthy talks, CNSAS announced it reached a verdict but would not make it public in the next two weeks, to allow Voiculescu to challenge the findings if he wished to.

A joint commission of the CNSAS body and the Romanian Intelligence Service decided to declassify a document that allegedly proves PC leader Dan Voiculescu, one of the richest businessmen in Romania, collaborated with ex-dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s secret police.

The document has been considered to have national security importance so far.

For years, Dan Voiculescu has been rejecting media claims that he worked with the dreades Securitate. Earlier this week, however, he admitted the validity of certain documents that would prove he was an informer of the Securitate, but he dismissed them as irrelevant.

Other documents, discussed at the CNSAS today, are also said to prove that he did a little more than informing the Securitate about various people and that he allegedly was a full fledged collaborator.

But Voiculescu dismissed these claims as well and warned in a TV show on Wednesday that his party may withdraw from the governing coalition if CNSAS decides that he collaborated with the Communist secret police.