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UPDATE Finance minister Sebastian Vladescu and Labor minister Mihai Seitan dismissed

PM Boc informed Finance minister Sebastian Vladescu on Thursday about a decision to dismiss him from the Government, as part of a government reshuffle, official sources declared for the Romanian news agency Mediafax.

UPDATE Labor minister Mihai Seitan declared that he was informed by the Prime Minister of his dismissal, as part of the governmental re-shuffle strategy. Seitan confessed that the Prime Minister thanked him for the collaboration and expressed his regrets but motivated that the political situation urges it. Sources declared that Transports minister Radu Berceanu will not be affected by Prime Minister’s plans.

According to Mediafax, ministers Berceanu, Vladescu, Seitan and Dumitru had separate talks on Thursday with Prime Minister Emil Boc before the meeting meant to decide who will be the ministers to be reshuffled.

PM Emil Boc had a meeting with President Basescu earlier this morning on the issue.