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Vodafone to sue ANRC

Vodafone Romania intends to sue the Romania’s National Regulatory Authority for Communications (ANRC) following the announcement that the two major mobile phone companies on the Romanian market must cut down their interconnection rates with 11.3%. Sources from ANRC replied for that the ANRC was considering fining Vodafone with up to 5%.

On July 10, ANRC announced that Vodafone Romania and Orange Romania must cut down their interconnection rates with in 4 stages, from September 1, 2006 to January 1, 2009. The tariff level will reach 5.03 Euro cents per minute, as compared to 8.13 Euro cents per minute.

The two companies consider that the new tariff underestimates the real costs. The total number of Vodafone customers tops 6.3 while the company’s revenues reached 1 USD million at the end of 2005.