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WB-2006 report: Romania comes second worldwide at measures to improve business environment has obtained the full World Bank report “Doing Business 2007 – How to Reform”. The document places Romania second after Georgia among countries that have adopted most changes aimed at improving the business environment.

The global report names the economies that significantly changed the way business is done and calls them “reformers”. 23 economies fall in this category.

But Romania’s impressive presence doesn’t mean that its business environment is among the friendliest in the world. Still, compared to the previously monitored year (2004), when it came 71 at this category, Romania is now placed 49th worldwide in terms of easiness to launch and operate a business.

Among Romania’s changes welcomed in the report, World Bank mentions less bureaucracy in opening a business, better information systems on credits and payments, measures to lower the corruption perception, labour legislation reform and better customs procedures.